To calculate the charges for Forex & Equities, please use this formula: (lots * Swap for Long or short in points).
Here’s an example: Long (Buy) 0.01 Lot EURUSD, Swap rate for Long is -7.922 points.
The end of day market rate is 1.19097 for EURUSD. The client’s account currency is EUR.
Therefore, the Swap Rate Calculation is as follows: 0.01* (-7.922) / 1.19097 (conversion to account currency) = – €0.07.
Here’s an example: Short (Sell) 0.2 Lots EURUSD.
The Swap rate for Short is 5.3 points, and the client’s account currency USD.
Therefore, the Swap Rate Calculation: 0.2 * 5.3 = $1.06